1:1 Coaching

1:1 coaching for artists and other creatives who want to

take their creative business to the next level

Don't wait to feel ready to start!!! Be scared, and do it anyways!

After years of trying and failing to earn money doing what I love, I decided to invest in a coach who could help me understand what I needed to stop doing and what I needed to start doing to get the results I had been dreaming of for over a decade.

Hiring a coach truly was the "TSN turning point" in my career. I used to believe I could either make "good money" by doing something that felt tedious and monotonous OR scrape by doing something I actually find meaningful and fulfilling. You're probably familiar with the "starving artist" narrative. Well, I bought into it for a long time, and I'm so happy to report it's total BS!! I know this because of the results I achieved from implementing what my coach taught me. I not only turned my passion for portraiture into a stream of income, I turned it into a stream of income strong and steady enough to afford a fun, beautiful and comfortable lifestyle in Toronto, Canada.

Needless to say, I was astounded by the drastic change in my results. This is what inspired me to become a Coach for other creatives! I don't want to keep all these amazing secrets of success to myself! I want to share what I've learned through my experiences and help other creatives like you feel the joys and benefits of turning your passion into your income too!!

A la Carte COaching call

Do you want a breakthrough without committing to a coaching package? With the a la carte option you can book a 1 hour call when you feel like you need it.

Book your next breakthrough!

$500 + HST

3 Month 1:1 coaching package

This high-touch option is for you if you want to dip your toes in the water and see what it feels like to receive ongoing weekly support from someone who's done it before and believes in you and your dreams just as much, if not more than you do. Spots are limited.

Apply now.

Starting at $3500 + HST


This high-touch, high-value option is for you if you're done going it alone and you want your new normal to consist of receiving weekly support and guidance from someone who sees the magic in you and wants to see you succeed just as much as you do! Spots are limited. Apply now.

Starting at $5000 + HST

You don't have to do this alone!

Ready is more of a decision than a feeling.

Transform yourself and your life today!